Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Scrapple Doesn't Have to be the Ugly Step-Child of Breakfast Meats

Before anyone told me that scrapple wasn't all that, it was one of the treats that we had whenever we went back to visit family in Pennsylvania.  I mean, what's not to love?

I have to say that I was always disappointed whenever visiting a Waffle House that this wasn't part of the standard offerings  Seems to me that it's perfect for their menu. 

I mean, two eggs over easy, hash browns, smothered, covered and capped (if you know, you know!) extra crispy, scrapple and sourdough toast.  What could be better than that?  Ok, a double order of scrapple.  But I digress.  

You wouldn't think that there are a lot of ways to eat scrapple but you'd be surprised.  There are the purists -- like me -- who like their scrapple fried.  That's the way I cook mine up North at the cabin -- often over an open fire.

Then there are others who have to cover up the taste using things like syrup or ketchup.  That's like putting ketchup on a Chicago hot dog.  All sorts of wrong.

A few years ago I was watching a show called "The Best Thing I Ever Made" and it featured Chicago chef, Graham Elliot.  He showed how he made is "White Trash" Scrapple and Egg sandwich. That's probably as close to prime time as scrapple ever got. 

You can watch it here:

That got me thinking.  Does scrapple have to be relegated to the "scrap pile" of breakfast meats?

I don't think so.

So I tried my hand and taking it upscale a few years ago.  Instead of Graham Elliot's white bread, I used Brioche.  Instead of American cheese I created a Stilton Mornay Sauce.  Instead of chicken eggs, I fried a couple of quail eggs.  And then, if this wasn't rich enough, I added some fois gras and black truffle.  It was much too rich for a sandwich, but open face . . .

I'm making it my life's work to try and get scrapple on every diner and dive's menu.  Even if I'm relegated to cooking my scrapple outside as no one wants to be in the house when I do.

Their loss.